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Anastasia Coyto, an independent photographer from Spain, moved to Berlin after completing her studies in artistic photography at the Almeria School of Art. Her initial photos, self-portraits, were exhibited in galleries across China, Spain, the Czech Republic, and Germany. She uses self-portraits as a means of personal exploration and therapy.

In recent years, she has traveled through Mexico and South America, getting to know and photographing various cultures. Her photos highlight the spontaneity of the streets and the authentic lives of the people within them. Anastasia holds a deep interest in shamanism and the mystical, seeking to capture the profound essence of the human being and the magic she perceives in her surroundings.

Her most recent work was in Mexico, where she worked as a photographer in a documentary directed by Viktor Jakovleski. Additionally, Anastasia also works in commercial advertising production and as an event photographer, showcasing her versatility beyond her artistic endeavors

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